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I am a dedicated craftsman and problem-solver with a passion for great ideas. I play well with others through my creativity, determination and organization. 


As a young boy, I saw a commercial for milk that really spoke to me. I could see myself as the under-sized, scrawny kid it featured. That kid, in a matter of seconds, grew up big and strong and got all kinds of attention from girls. Admittedly, this part wasn’t that high a priority for eight-year-old me, though it did seem like a good long-term plan. I wanted to be that kid, and the commercial seemed to tell me that drinking milk was the key. But no matter how much milk I drank, (and believe me I drank a lot of it), I just didn’t see the kind of results I expected. Even with my frustration, the power of advertising had been revealed to me and the seed for a future career had been planted.

As time went on, a passion for creativity and drawing led me to take Advertising and Graphic Design in college. I’ve been an Art Director since 2004 and before that, I cut my teeth in the industry as a studio designer in 2000. Even after all this time in the industry, I consider myself a bit of a work in progress (professionally and personally) as I strive to continue to grow my knowledge and skills. After all, there is always room for improvement and in an industry that is constantly evolving, I feel this is an invaluable mindset. 

If I could tell my eight-year-old self that his job would be coming up with creative ideas and working with talented people to bring them life, I think he’d feel as if that were a pretty cool way to make a living. He’d be right. This is something I always keep in mind-just how lucky I am to work in the creative field.  

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